Follow the money
There is a growing push from my party, the liberal left, to label Elon Musk as the bad guy. He’s now filthy rich, as he deserves to be. I’m not saying that anyone should be allowed to even have more than a billion dollars without being extremely taxed.
My point is that oil companies, other car companies, and all the other space industries that have been enjoying fat payouts from the government all have a stake in bringing Elons enterprises down. Oil companies as well as the oil empires in the Middle East can be very underhanded in their fight against destruction of their life blood. Just as Russia screwed up our elections with their Facebook meddling, these tyrants know how to win a media war.
When my friends start sharing posts that are severly negative against Elon Musk, other than his stupid twitter posts, belittling the person who has single handedly brought the world electric cars and cheap space flight, there is most likely a sinister person behind the flood of bad press.
Do some research and dig deep to the source of this animosity. There will always be the angry envy of anyone rich, no matter what good they have done for the world. That’s what these oil barrons are tapping into currently.