A More Equitable Society.
I’ve got a concept to augment our free market capitalism society. A few months ago I posted an idea along the lines of the star system for better drivers being given privileges to access the fast lane, where the worst drivers would not be given this privilege at all. I now realize that we could extrapolate this system to greatly improve the equitability of our society. We can balance out and reward those who do good and penalize those who do harm. We could improve general morality by increasing taxes on those caught in a lie on any public media such as TV, social media, podcasts, or YouTube. Those demonstrating goodwill by helping those less fortunate, donating time at shelters, or doing other good deeds will be given a leg up on winning the lottery or getting lower taxes. Politicians would be heavily taxed and loose other benefits if they aren’t being truthful. Any out right lie would get them banned from office. A very honorable politician would be compensated. If you do a good job recycling, then you may be given money for free food at the grocery store. If you fail to recycle it’ll be more expensive for you to buy food. Any prejudice shown toward anyone else would lower your social rating. There will be a vehicle tax on a sliding scale based on how polluting yours is. Gas free cars would be tax free. A gas guzzler would pay a hefty tax every year that you own the car. Your rating of these various aspects would be made public. This would have the effect of increasing your chances of finding a quality mate on a dating services. Think of all the nicest people that you’ve met who live in squalor, un rewarded for all that they do for others. In this new society, they would be rewarded financially and in several other intangible ways from their publicly visible star rating. Evolution would be pushed forward in such a society.
Let us consider this perfect person who is a good driver, donates a day of the week to charities, recycles, drives an electric car, has solar roof panels, is nice to people and doesn’t lie in any public forums, and so on. What would this persons life be like? They would be able to drive wherever they want, unimpeded by traffic as they would be given a key to the fast lane. They would be wealthier than than most of their contemporaries in more ways than just financial wealth.
Now how would our previous president fare? His constant lies would have immediately removed him from office as a start. His bigotry, prejudices, uncharitable behavior, and bowing to the oil industry would make quite visible to all exactly the kind of person he is. This behavior, not being vilified publicly enough, has led millions of his followers to continue spreading his putrid morality, bringing our entire society down morally and even putting evolution itself in a downward tail spin.
Capitalism as we know it would be the same. Those who are creative, driven, and are hard workers would be rewarded as before, unless of course they were morally corrupt.
Would church goers be given more than others because of their morality? Not necessarily, as they often have worse morality than the general public. The new society would be a self-correcting mechanism for people spreading lies and conspiracy theories, politicians, corporations (who are considered people), business leaders, and others in power. Talk show hosts, podcasters, and YouTube presenters would have their star ratings posted right on their show headers for all to judge.
Sounds great, but how and who would enforce this system? We could tie up courts with thick books of new laws, but this would be too expensive and ultimately clog our legal system. What we really need is an un biased Artificial Intelligence system to weigh all the inputs from all media including cameras on freeways for driving info. We’re not quite there yet technology wise, but someday soon, we could, and should, implement this system.