President Leaf 2016
Those crazy Democrats! It would be so embarrassing to be one of them! How did they get so over the top wacko? Of course it all started with the 2016 election when Russia won the election for the Democrats with their Facebook meddling . With Leaf, head of Earth First and socialist extraordinaire, elected as President, the Democratic Party fell in line with his extremist views. First, he completely opened up the borders, sending in our troops to help the flood of immigrants in their migration. Leaf then hired a top Green Peace lobbyist to run the military. Nothing but truth! Truth, truth, and more of his damn TRUTH!! With free Medicare for all as well as a $1000 per month of free money to all, it was mayhem. Anyone earning over $200k is now severely taxed as well as all corporations to pay for the new benefits.
Damn wacko Democrats. Now the world is totally screwed up and, because the Dems all stand up for their party, no matter how crazy, our country will have a hard time digging out of the hole we dug the past four years.Of course the level headed GOP would never fall for such obvious Tom foolery…would they?