Dentist chair thoughts

At the dentist, my mind goes wild. Todays mental inventions whilst getting fillings replaced:

1. How about an app that replaces sounds such as the drill at the dentist office. The ever changing whine tone could be turned into a melodic tune following the basic “tune” of the drilling. Go to the dentist, plug in your ear buds, turn on the “Alter Audio” app, pick “Dentist drill” from a preset, and that’s it.
2. All graphical window edges are way too computery and harsh. I would suggest an add on to allow all window edges to be organically blended in with the window below. If a grey input window is sitting on a nice scenic background image, the edges should all blend in. No simple fade, but an AI driven, content aware window with perhaps the tree root from the image snaking through the input window. A mouse over would lighten up the area like sunlight, not just a yellow glow, but added and subtracted contrast and saturation of the background image showing through.

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